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Precision Auto Body


Phone (530) 223-6717
Address 20303 Charlanne Dr,
Redding, CA 96002 United States


Precision Auto Body is a top provider of body shops in Redding. Visit us soon at our store location or call us today at (530) 223-6717.

Reviews for Precision Auto Body

1 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Precision Auto Body


    Posted On:

    “After almost two months without a response, I was contacted and they agreed to re-do the entire paint job and seemed to be aware that it was necessary. I agreed to take a loss on the parts lost and other damage if they were willing to resolve the issues with the body and paint work, taking it back down to the metal, fixing a few body work issues that remain. re-painting and re-clearing the car with a quality job. I will give them a chance to remedy the problem and will dismiss the small claims court case without prejudice at this time. I'm looking forward to a positive outcome and not have to re-file a case. Work is to begin by April 26th, 2009 and complete by May 27th, 2009 (30 days). A detailed work order/estimate to that effect was printed and signed today (04/10/2009)”

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